HUNDREDS of people attended a glitzy summer ball held to support a diabetes charity set up in memory of a popular North Petherton rugby player.

Josh Evans, aged just 21, was killed in a car crash in October 2008 after his blood sugar level dropped.

More than 270 people, dressed in suits and stunning gowns, turned out for The World Is Mine ball at North Petherton Rugby Club in aid of the Josh Evans Trust Fund.

Josh's mother, Tracy, said: “We would like to thank everyone who attended and also all the willing helpers behind the scenes that are far too many to mention.

“The entertainment during the evening was greatly received so thank you The Rejects, Dead End Friends and Jazzy Jeff.

“As trustees, we thought this day would never come and we then did not want it to end.

“We are still counting our pennies but you can be assured that anything raised will further support children with diabetes in Somerset.”