Comments: Our rules
We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community – a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues.
The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused. While we want to encourage people to feel free to speak their mind, there are a number of things we will not allow.
1. No abuse, threats, insults or bullying (which applies to ALL people, including public figures, other commenters, newspaper staff and people featured or mentioned in the article).
2. No bigotry of any kind, including prejudice on the basis of race, sex, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age or appearance.
3. No advertising or spam.
4. No unnecessary insensitivity – many of our stories involve people who have experienced tragedy and trauma. Bear in mind that they, their family and their friends are probably reading your comments. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it here.
5. No swearing or overtly sexual language. If you wouldn’t want your children to read it, don’t post it.
6. No defamation. You must NOT make any statement about a person that unjustly harms their reputation. YOU are responsible and could be sued and have to pay damages.
7. No contempt of court. Contempt of court is a serious criminal offence. If comments are allowed on stories concerning active legal proceedings, you must NOT identify anyone who has a legal right to anonymity (such as children, victims of sexual offences or anyone covered by an order made by the court) and you must NOT post anything that could influence a jury in an ongoing court case. Again, YOU are responsible and could face prosecution and/or be liable for costs or damages.
8. No impersonation of other users.
9. Don’t be annoying by repeatedly posting the same thing, POSTING IN ALL CAPS or otherwise making your comment difficult to read.
10. Do not post anything that is not relevant to the article. In particular, do not post comments about other legally sensitive articles on which comments have been disabled.
Rule breakers: How to report them and how we deal with them
If you see a comment that breaks any of the above rules, please report it using the "report" button next to the comment. We will then decide what action to take, if any. Options available include:
1. Suspending or deleting comments.
2. Turning off all commenting on an article or even the site as a whole.
3. Warnings.
4. Banning users from commenting.
5. Legal action.
6. If you act unlawfully or in breach of others' rights, then we reserve the right to disclose your details to complainants who wish to start legal proceedings or the relevant authorities, which may include the police or your internet service provider.