FIRE crews from Taunton have been called to a blaze at a church twice this morning.

At 2.48am three fire engines from Taunton and the command support unit from Wiveliscombe were called to the Catholic Church, South Street.

Firefighters searched the premises and extinguish the fire, which started in a garage and spread to the church roof.

The garage was substantially damaged by fire, and the church roof sustained 20% by fire, heat and smoke.

After 7.00am this morning crews were called back to the scene following reports of another blaze.

Watch Commander, Dave Downs speaking from the scene said: “The second fire was not a re-ignition of the first based on the information from the fire crews that left the scene.

It’s a second seat of fire and a different place to where the original fire started, although it’s in the same building.

It’s possible that some one introduced something through a broken window.”

Both blazes are being treated as suspicious.