A GRANDMOTHER was pressed into action as an emergency midwife when her second grandchild arrived... right on the bathroom floor.

Claire Gamlin, 38, was at home in Lambrook Road, Taunton, when her heavily pregnant daughter Kerry’s waters suddenly broke.

Full-time carer Claire said: “Kerry was two days overdue, but there was no clue that the baby would arrive so quickly.

“She’d just gone upstairs to have a bath when I heard her call out and rushed up to help.

“By the time I got there I could already see the baby’s hair, so we knew there wasn’t going to be time to get to hospital.

“We rang for an ambulance anyway, but before I knew it Kerry had delivered a beautiful baby girl.”

Claire said full-time mum Kerry, 19, had also had a quick labour when giving birth to her first child, Leo, who turns one this weekend.

She said mum and new arrival Leona are both doing well after a visit to hospital for a check-up following the birth last Wednesday, July 3.

Claire said: “The strange thing was Kerry was smiling at me all the way through the birth.

“She wasn’t at all panicked and that meant I was able to keep calm, too.”

Kerry and partner Dec are now recuperating at home after the drama with little Leo and baby Leona.