The Enmore Park Lady Captain’s Drive In that took place on Wednesday proved to be a big hit both on and off the course and was much enjoyed by everyone!

The Lady Captain’s drive in started successfully with four great drives straight up the first fairway by Tina Morgan (Lady Captain), Lorraine Taylor (Lady Captain Elect), Heather Saxton (Lady President) and Jo Wyatt (outgoing Lady Captain 2023).  

The drives were watched by a good turnout of ladies with over 70 members participating in either the golf or the social events in the clubhouse. 

The competition, which was held over seven holes was won by the Lady Captain Tina Morgan with 20 points three ahead of second placed Kay Taylor with 17. 

Three players tied on 16 points but following countback it was Joan Dovey who was third, Sue Hales was fourth and Pat Rodgers fifth.

The back 9 competition which was also over seven holes was won by Nicky Toller with 15 points. However five players all returned to the clubhouse with 14 points which required the use of countback following which it was  Ann Morrison who took second place,Anne Elliott-Rose was third, Eileen Chave was fourth, Wendy Walker fifth and Debra Perry sixth. 

A good time was had afterwards in the clubhouse for the launch of the club charity Friends of Somerset Young Carers. This again was well supported by the ladies wearing navy and yellow colours in support of such a worthy charity.   

The cake and preserves stall, along with the guesses for the length of the Lady Captain’s drive, raised nearly £300 for the charity making this a really great start to the year!