BRIDGWATER United boss Andy Llewelyn has been in charge of the side for five games now as we near the festive period.

In those five games, Bridgwater have been unbeaten in all competitions which for Llewellyn, highlights the strength in the squad.

Last week he was speaking on the Toolstation Western League podcast and he reflected on his opening five games.

He said: "In the five games since I have took over, our performances have got better and better.

"Everyone knows what has happened at Bridgwater, there was a lot of pressure at the start, a lot of players left.

"But the ones who stayed have all chipped in, the players are playing to the best of their ability and we have a pretty small squad too."

But he explained that expectations at the Somerset club remain high both on and off the pitch.

"To be honest with you at the start, I had a thought of what have I got myself in to here," he said.

"But Ian Davis, the owner of the club, he has his plans for the future, he is very ambitious, he wants promotion this year.

"There is a lot of plans going on off the pitch, but what is important is the results on the pitch."

He went on to say the club is in a good place at the moment, still in three cup competitions and doing well in the league.

"Now I am looking ahead, we are still in three cups, we have a tough game against Farnham in the FA Vase in a couple weeks time.

"We are also doing well in the league, currently sitting pretty in third place so it will be interesting to see how we get on closer to the end of the season."

But Llewellyn has said his and the owner's plans are to win the league.

"The way we are playing at the moment, the top spot is what I am aiming for and of course what the players are aiming for," he said.

"If we go up through the playoffs, so be it, but I would prefer to go up by winning the league, it is a competitive league though."

Off the pitch there is plenty going on as well, and Llewellyn briefly touched on the situation.

"Bridgwater are a very ambitious club, we get good crowds, our off the field stability in the last couple hasn't been good at all, I don't think we would have been able to go up previously, financially anyway," he said.

"Ian has come in now, he has been doing things behind the scenes that people aren't seeing, if he hadn't have come in, would there be a Bridgwater United right now?"

"He's come in and steadied the ship, even though he isn't getting much praise for that, and hopefully together we can get the club back where it belongs in the Southern League."