DISABILITY campaigners in Bridgwater have been invited to take their cause to the Houses of Parliament.

Bridgwater MP Ian Liddell-Grainger has issued a personal invitation to Ray Lamb, acting chairman of the town's Shopmobility charity, to present his case to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The Mercury has reported in recent weeks how determined Ray has vowed to collect thousands of signatures to support his campaign to keep the charity in the town, and 'slap them down' in front of Mr Brown.

The Shopmobility service could be left homeless unless staff can raise enough money to pay the rent on its premises in Eastover.

Ray, who is yet to fix a date for the visit, added: “I want Gordon Brown to use his power to get businesses in Bridgwater to support us and offer us a new premises.”

Mr Liddell-Grainger told the Mercury this week he is backing the 'crucial' campaign and says he is happy for Ray and his supporters to present their petition in the House of Commons.

He joked: “I have invited Ray to save him breaking in and getting into trouble, he's that determined!

“Seriously though, I am very supportive of the campaign and what they are trying to do is crucial.

“Bridgwater has a big shopping centre and a lot of disabled and elderly people can't get around how they used to.

“We are in the middle of a recession and this has a knock on effect for local businesses who aren't getting the trade from these people.

“Ray presenting his petition to the House of Commons will also help put Bridgwater on the map.”