AN LGBTQIA+ hustings event is set to be held in Highbridge later this month, hosted by Pride-on-Sea.

The hustings will take place at Highbridge Community Hall on Friday, June 21, from 7pm, and will feature all of the announced candidates for the new Bridgwater constituency.

Tickets are free, but organisers encourage booking in advance to secure a place amid strong interest.

A spokesperson for Pride-on-Sea said: "With the general election fast approaching, we know there are some tough questions that members of our community want clarity on.

"We have invited all the announced candidates for the new constituency of Bridgwater to participate so you can ask those questions.

"It's an opportunity for our community to get a balanced view of parties before casting their vote on Thursday, July 4.

"We have seen hate crimes against our community surge.

"Our community faces repeated attacks on social media, fuelled in part by discussions, comments and legislative actions from the political arena.

"Our hard-won rights can easily be eroded, which is why, especially during Pride Month, we must hold those who wish to represent us to account.

"We need to ask how they plan to uplift and support our community, ensuring we have a diverse and inclusive society."