You’ve heard about the wellness benefits of using CBD gummies, and you’re ready to give it a spin. You log online and start searching CBD gummy brands, only to be bombarded by pages of results. Who do you go with? What products are worth your hard-earned money?

One of the biggest concerns in the gummy industry is quality. Fortunately, top brands use third-party testing to certify the purity and efficacy of their edible products. At NutraHolistics, we combed the internet to find some of the leading third-party tested brands, and we bring them to you in this comprehensive review and buyer’s guide. Let’s get going.

Blessed CBD – Your Premium Passport to Third-Party Tested CBD Gummy Bliss

First up is Blessed CBD. No other gummy on the UK market gives you the pure cannabidiol experience you get with Blessed CBD. They make their gummies from CBD isolate using a CO2 extraction process. This means every batch is NSF certified and comes complete with COAs to both ensure quality and bring peace of mind to the buyer. Each tropical-flavored gummy contains 25mg of CBD in the perfect dosage for beginners and intermediates.


·A great start for beginner and intermediate CBD users.

·A range of tasty tropical flavors in every bottle.

·THC-free gummies for a pure cannabidiol experience.

·Great prices with discounts for members and bundle deals.


·Only one strength is available.

·Limited to fruit mix with no individual flavor options.

Vibes CBD – A Close Second for Quality Third-Party Tested CBD Gummies

Vibes CBD comes on strong with their delicious THC-free CBD Gummies sourced from CBD Isolate. Each tin contains 20 gummies, with every 25mg gummy providing a great starting point for beginners and intermediates. The site carries COAs for purity and efficacy, and you get a delightful fruit mix in each tin.


·Newly updated formula for improved taste.

·A good mix of tropical flavors in every tin.

·Suitable for beginners and intermediates.

·Great pricing.


·Single potency option.

·No single flavor options, mixed bag only.

Supreme CBD – Versatile CBD Gummy Strengths Third-Party Tested for All Users

Supreme CBD shines with gummy strengths ranging from 16mg to 25mg. The brand offers a few flavor options, but they’re all super-tasty. You get a third-party tested product with COAs on the site and varying strengths to suit all experience levels. Super-advanced users will delight in the high-strength options.


·Multiple strengths to power a personalized CBD experience.

·Great for beginners and advanced users with varied dosage options.

·Independent, transparent, and high-quality testing.


·Limited to a few flavors, the range might not excite all palates.


Just CBD – A Third-Party Tested Cornucopia of CBD Gummies

This US Colorado CBD provider is a top-rated brand available in the UK with a huge range of CBD edibles. You get more options for gummies than you can shake a stick at, with apples, peaches, ribbons, gummy bears, sour worms, and more. The brand caters more to the advanced full-spectrum user, and it has fewer broad-spectrum options than leading UK brands. Like the others in this review, JustCBD has COAs available on its site for review.


·Wide range of gummy types and flavors.

·High-potency, full-spectrum options for advanced users.


·More expensive because of import costs.

·Not suitable for beginners.

·Not suitable for people looking for a THC-free experience.

Reakiro - Third-Party Tested Potency for the Experienced CBD Gummy User

For those who like their CBD gummies strong, Reakiro doesn’t disappoint. It’s a top-rated brand for CBD veterans who know what they're after. This high-strength range of CBD gummies contains up to 50mg per sweet treat and no added sweetener, giving you the full impact of cannabidiol on your physiology. It’s a better brand for advanced users, and all products feature third-party testing.


·Strong mg choices for experienced CBD users.

·Broad spectrum options.


·Single flavor options might be a bit boring after going through the whole bag.

·Not suitable for beginners.

·A pricey option compared to other brands.

CBDfx – American Giants of Third-Party Tested High-Strength CBD Gummies

Straight from the OC, CBDfx provides some of the most formidable CBD gummies on the market, available by the jar in increments up to 6,000mg. Made for CBD connoisseurs, these are, without a doubt, some of the chewiest and strongest full-spectrum gummies we've tested. It’s not a great choice for beginners, and the mouthfeel of the gummies is somewhat lacking in texture. You’ll find COAs for third-party testing results on the site.


·Well-known US brand.

·Suitable for users with high CBD tolerance.


·Chewy texture that many won’t find palatable.

·Limited broad-spectrum options.

·Limited low-strength options for beginners.

Edens Gate – Perfectly Balanced Third-Party Tested CBD Gummies

Edens Gate has struck a great balance with its CBD gummies, offering the best range of strengths for all experience levels. It’s a great starting point for beginners, with low-strength options. However, the lower-dose edibles sell out frequently, so keep checking back if they’re out of stock. All COAs available on the site for your review.


·Potency suitable for beginners and intermediates.

·Multi-flavored jars for a well-rounded flavor experience.


·Sometimes, products are out of stock due to high demand.

·Fewer high-potency options for intermediate and advanced users.

CBDiablo – Vegan and Beginner-Friendly Third-Party Tested CBD Gummies

CBDiablo shines with its range of vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and non-GMO CBD gummies for the first-time user. A bit narrower in their range here, but the quality and ethical considerations really do shine, with COAs on the site. Advanced users might find the milligram strengths a bit too weak, and you only have options for single-flavor bags, but there are great flavor choices available.


·Vegan and gluten-free.

·Ideal for beginners with lower strengths.


·Limited selection and flavors.

·No options for high-strength advanced users.

·It's higher priced for smaller quantities.

Provacan - World-Class Third-Party Tested CBD Gummies for New Users

Its 10mg gummies are ideal for those new to the CBD scene. Provacan is a more expensive brand, but it oozes quality, with all safety information on CBD batches available on the site. The flavor range is limited, and there aren’t any options for advanced users. Provacan is a great choice for beginners and intermediates looking for a high-quality brand they can trust for their CBD gummy supplementation.


·Lower potency gummies perfect for those new to CBD.

·High-quality, tasty flavor selections.


·Pricier than other products.

·No high potency options for advanced users.

A Buyer’s Guide to the Best Third-Party Tested CBD Gummies in the UK

Searching for the best third-party tested CBD gummies in the UK? We've got you. Whether you're new to CBD or a veteran user, knowing what makes a good quality gummy is key. Now, that shouldn't make navigating the world of CBD gummies harsh, right? Stick to third-party tested brands and look at the ingredients, the type of CBD, and what other customers say about its products, and you can't go wrong. Here's to your delicious and confident journey with CBD!

How Does Third-Party Lab Testing for CBD Gummies Work?

Third-party lab testing acts as a quality control checkpoint in the CBD industry. Independent labs verify that the gummies contain the correct amount of CBD, the form of CBD, and that it’s free from THC, and contaminants like pesticides or heavy metals. The lab reports ensure that the product you consume is safe and effective, matching the brand and label's claims.

Why Don't Companies Perform In-House Third-Party Testing?

If brands were free to test their products in-house, how could you trust the results? If they got a bad batch, why not just fudge the results, and give you false claims on the lab reports? You’d never know the difference, and no third party would keep them accountable. Accountability is the name of the game and the entire reason for third-party testing in the first place. Only choose high-quality CBD products from leading brands that post certificates of analysis from third-party labs. You can’t trust anything else.

What other Considerations Should I Keep in Mind while Choosing a CBD Gummy Brand?

Health Goals: Pinpoint what you want for your well-being out of your CBD usage. Is it for soothing anxiety, enhancing sleep quality, pain relief, or general wellness? Knowing your wellness objective for topicals should help you to settle for the right strength and type of CBD. Check with your healthcare professional before using CBD gummies to ensure they’re right for you. No CBD gummies are FDA-approved for treating any health disorder or disease.

Type of CBD: There are over 113 cannabinoids in cannabis, but CBD gummies typically come in three types. Full-spectrum CBD gummies contain all the cannabinoids found in a CBD-laden cannabis plant, including trace amounts of THC to create the entourage effect. Broad-spectrum CBD isolate is derived from hemp extract and doesn’t have any other cannabinoids or terpenes present; the extraction method strips all of them out, giving you pure CBD.  Your choice should be based on how comfortable you are with THC and whether you want the benefits of CBD gummies that come from the full plant extract or just those of organic hemp plants for the desired effects.

Strength & Variety of Flavours: The dose of CBD determines the effect. Look for the mg of CBD on the label before you buy. Beginners should stick with 5-10 mg per gummy, while advanced users can take up to 50mg per serving. Taking too much CBD can result in side effects like dry mouth. There are lots of gummy flavors that can brighten your CBD experience. Choose tropical natural flavors like mixed berries, watermelon, or berry flavor. Or choose artificial flavors like sour apple or blue razz.

Ingredients: Choose gummies that contain all organic natural ingredients and constituents. Avoid gummies high in fructose and corn syrup with artificial coloring or flavors.

Gelatine-free Options: Make sure that gummies do not contain gelatin. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, opt for gummies that are plant-based.

Price vs. Value: Check the price, consider the quality, and assess the quantity. Look out for transparent labeling, quality ingredients, and results of third-party testing to ensure that you’re getting value for your money when you buy CBD gummies.

Customer Reviews and Guarantees: Customer feedback can help you understand the quality of their gummies and customer service. Check if the brand offers any money-back guarantees as this shows the confidence the company has in its product range.

FAQ – The Best CBD Gummies in the UK

Q: Why choose CBD gummies over CBD tincture?

A: The choice between CBD gummies, CBD capsules, and tinctures really boils down to personal preference and lifestyle. They both interact similarly with the body’s endocannabinoid system and receptors. Gummies are very convenient as they provide a fixed dose per piece, making dosing easy and discreet—great for on-the-go use or for those who dislike the taste of CBD oil. Plus, broad-spectrum CBD gummies offer a sweet treat for your taste buds with several fun flavors!

Q: I can get CBD gummies from a friend. Should I trust that they’re third-party tested?

A: It's always cool when friends offer you a gummy. However, with CBD products, it's crucial to know what you're consuming. If your friend can’t provide the original packaging with third-party lab results for the gummies, it's safer to buy from a reputable seller who ensures product quality and safety with transparent testing.

Q: What’s the best CBD concentration for a new CBD gummy user?

A: For newcomers, it's wise to start with a lower dose and go slow. A CBD concentration of about 5-10 mg per gummy is ideal. This dosage allows you to observe how your body reacts to CBD and find the perfect dosage without overdoing it. Once you understand how it affects you, you can adjust the dosage as necessary to get all the benefits of CBD in your life with no side effects.