The Bridgwater Peace Group is set to discuss the controversial matter of United States nuclear weaponry being based on British soil.

The group's meeting, taking place on March 5, features guest speakers Dr. Rowland Dye and Lyn Barlow, who will be addressing the issue.

The returning of American nuclear arms to RAF Lakenheath, which were removed 15 years ago after prolonged protests, is the main topic of concern.

It comes 80 years after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Dr. Dye, who holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics and an activist against nuclear power and weapons, expressed a stark viewpoint that nuclear weapons are not a means of last resort, but an "obscenely brutal weapon used to threaten the rest of the world."

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) says that the presence of US nuclear weapons essentially labels the UK as a forward nuclear base for the US.

The potential reinstallation of these arms has been viewed as a destabilising act, positioning the UK on the frontline of a potential NATO/Russian conflict.

Dr. Dye, who previously worked in the NHS and as a college lecturer, continues to actively oppose both nuclear power and weapons as part of the Trident-Ploughshares and XR-Peace groups.

Each year, he coordinates the "Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Gathering" in Bristol.

During this meeting, he will discuss his lengthy history in activism and the current plans of the UK government.

The second speaker, textile artist and activist Lyn Barlow, brings a unique perspective with her extensive life experiences.

From living in care, homelessness and battling drug addiction to earning a spot at Cambridge University and working at the New Statesman, Ms. Barlow's journey has been far from ordinary.

She ventured into the world of activism while living at the Greenham Women's camp and subsequently spent time in prison.

Yet, she found solace in her punishment, sharing that during her time in prison, it was then that she found deeper connections and support from the other women.

The event is set to start at 7pm at the Bridgwater Railway Club on Wellington Rd, Bridgwater TA6 5HA.

Limited parking will be available and refreshments can be accessed at the bar.

For further information, contact Glen on 07423 786599 or Lucy on 07900 865441.

There is no charge but a donation box will be present.