LOCALS from a village near Bridgwater along with an MP candidate congregated to raise awareness for Hinkley Point C's plans to 'destroy' an area of land.

Villagers from Pawlett and local supporters gathered on Sunday, February 25 at the Pawlett Hams to highlight the threat that EDF pose with their plan to flood the area with salt water.

The saltmarsh, planned by EDF to facilitate the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, is currently under public consultation, and comes as an alternative to a previously proposed acoustic fish deterrent system, which would reportedly make noise louder than a jumbo jet, 24-hours per day for the next 60 years.

Local campaigners, the Pawlett Hams Action Group, want to preserve the unique habitat that is already there.

Spokesperson for the group, Judith Ballard, said: “To destroy this environment simply to create another just doesn’t make sense.

"There is no evidence that it will achieve what EDF want it to achieve, which is breeding fish.

"We have nothing against salt-marsh habitats, but what we have here already is better than that with its high biodiversity, its history and the amenity it provides to local people.”

Read more: Locals campaign against Hinkley Point C saltmarsh plans

Claire Sully, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Bridgwater, attended the gathering as part of her 'running the constituency' efforts.

"I have been "running the constituency" so I can help raise the voices of local people and their concerns," said Claire.

"With Pawlett Hams, I have helped facilitate conversations with the authorities and local people. 

"I have deep reservations about EDF's plans, which will result in the loss of 800 acres of land, this is ancient farm land and important for wildlife".

In response to the concerns of the Pawlett Hams Action Group, Hinkley Point C's Head of Environment, Chris Fayers, said: “Hinkley Point C is the first power station on the Severn to have fish protection measures in place.

"Despite scientific evidence that the remaining impact on fish is “very small”, the project supports further effective, proportionate and practical compensation measures.

"We are currently consulting on a proposal to create new saltmarsh along with areas of seagrass, kelp forest and oyster bed and we will listen carefully to the views of the community and the environmental organisations.

“Resolution of this issue matters.

"The project is one of Britain’s biggest acts for the environment, built to meet exacting environmental standards.

"It will make a major contribution to energy security and the fight against climate change."