A PENSIONER from a town near Bridgwater has revealed how she regained her confidence with getting out and about after a serious fall.

North Petherton resident Sylvia Selway, who is in her early eighties, had two significant falls that injured her and made her anxious about walking.

The first incident occurred near a local church, where a misstep over a tree stump led to a tumble - luckily, she escaped without injuries.

However, a second fall at the local bus shelter left Sylvia with a head injury and temporary unconsciousness.

Post-fall, Sylvia noticed a change in how she felt when out and about.

"I’ve become more aware and nervous of walking. I try harder now to be careful, but it feels so easy to trip now," she said.

Her understandable fear of falling again led her to limit her time outdoors, meaning she became isolated, and her physical health was affected.

Sylvia's visit to the GP resulted in routine checks but no further guidance, leaving her unsure of the steps she could take to prevent future falls.

However, things began to improve after receiving a pair of 'Sloppy Slippers' as part of a campaign run by by NHS Somerset and Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) to provide adults in the county with stable, safe footwear to ultimately prevent falls.Bridgwater Mercury: A close-up look at Sylvia's new confidence-injecting slippers.A close-up look at Sylvia's new confidence-injecting slippers. (Image: Sloppy Slippers)

For more information on the Sloppy Slippers campaign and how you can participate, or help a loved one, visit bit.ly/sloppy-slippers, contact SASP on healthenquiries@sasp.co.uk, or call 07305 049840.

"I'm wearing these slippers and they're very comfortable," Sylvia said.

"They're very sturdy, and I feel very confident wearing them.

“The old phrase 'use it or lose it' holds true.

"I've always been fit, but I’ve noticed a difference since doing less.

"Since receiving these sturdy, comfortable slippers from the Sloppy Slippers campaign, together with using strength and balance resources, I feel a renewed sense of safety and confidence in my daily life.

"It's a small change that's made a big difference.”

A spokesperson for the campaign said: "Sylvia's journey with the Sloppy Slippers campaign highlights the path for many adults facing similar challenges.

"It's a powerful reminder of the difference that building strength and balance, together with appropriate support and resources can make in enhancing mobility and confidence amongst adults in Somerset."