A PARISH council has passed a motion of no confidence in a Somerset councillor.

Othery Parish Council passed the motion of no confidence in Cllr Harry Munt of the King Alfred Division on Monday, February 12.

The motion (as follows) was proposed by the Chairman Cllr Dr Andrew Tizzard and seconded by Cllr Anthony Betty:

  1. That Othery Parish Council has no confidence in Cllr Harry Munt fulfilling his duties as Othery's representative on Somerset Council; and if passed, a letter is written stating,
  2. That this council writes to the leader and Chief Executive of Somerset Council stating that Othery Parish Council have passed a vote of no confidence in Cllr Harry Munt and respectfully ask for his resignation.

Othery Parish Council claimed Cllr Munt only attended one meeting in his 21 months being elected to Somerset Council. 

He was also accused of not responding to or acknowledging 'numerous' efforts to reach him via email or other means.

Cllr Dr Tizzard said: "Cllr Munt was elected by the community of Othery to represent them.

"These are challenging times and since the unitary council was established two years ago we have had no contact even although we have made real efforts to engage.

"This is an unacceptable situation and as such I felt as chair of the village council I needed to show my distain for his lack of support for Othery.”

Cllr Anthony Betty, who seconded the motion, said: "With the ongoing financial problems at Somerset Council it is only right our elected representatives do there job they are elected to do.

"We need a clear path from parish level to the unitary council to air our concerns and this just isn't happening with Cllr Munt. 

"With this in mind and to represent Othery, of which I proudly serve, I needed to show my dissatisfaction at the way Cllr Munt is representing the village I love."

However, Cllr Bill Revans, Leader of Somerset Council, has defended Cllr Munt, and said he is committed to serving King Alfred residents.

Cllr Revans said: "I am disappointed and perplexed as to why Othery Parish Council have taken this bizarre course of action.

“Somerset Councillors are expected to regularly attend city, town and parish council meetings in their divisions between them.

“Each Division has two councillors and this is a shared responsibility.

“In the case of King Alfred Division, Councillor Harry Munt and Councillor Matt Martin divide attending their twelve parish meetings between them - Councillor Martin attends the southern parishes (including Othery) and Councillor Munt attends the northern parishes.

"This is common practice throughout Somerset Council for councillors to effectively and efficiently represent our many communities.

“If Othery Parish Council are dissatisfied with the current arrangement, then they could have chosen to contact me as leader of Somerset Council and I would have happily met with them to resolve their concerns.

"Instead they have decided to pass this resolution at their full council meeting and to contact the press.

"I am disappointed that they have taken this bizarre approach.

“I note that Councillor Betty (former Sedgemoor Conservative District Councillor for Kings Isle Ward) who failed to get elected to the new Somerset Council 21 months ago seconded the motion.

"I do hope the motivation for this is not party political.

“I have full confidence in the work that Councillor Matt Martin and Councillor Harry Munt do to represent all twelve parishes in the King Alfred division and their 9,500 residents between them.

"They are both intelligent, articulate and committed councillors who work hard for King Alfred residents."