A POPULAR BBC radio show centred around politics and discussion came to Bridgwater last week, and saw the funding of Somerset Council discussed among other polarising topics.

BBC Radio 4's Any Questions? show was broadcast live from Bridgwater Arts Centre on Friday February 2, and saw Thangham Debbonaire (Labour), Robert Buckland (Conservatives), Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrats), and Ann Widdicombe (Reform UK) visit the town to feature on the panel.

The show was held at Bridgwater Arts Centre, and saw seven questions posed to the panel, including the Brexit trade agreement in Northern Ireland, and the funding of Social Care by councils in crisis such as Somerset Council.

Mr Buckland debated with Ms Jardine on Northern Ireland, and gave his views on Social Care resolutions.

Mrs Debbonaire then gave her stance on the issue, and Ann Widdicombe also made her opinions heard.

The full airing can be listened to by searching Any Questions? on BBC Sounds.