A SECONDARY school in Bridgwater has been handed another 'Needs improvement' rating by Ofsted, but feels the progress outlined in the report is 'encouraging'.

Robert Blake School leaders were disappointed to lose their 'Good' rating in 2019, but believe they are now moving in the right direction, as the most recent report from the October 2023 inspection contained some positive feedback.

Ofsted stated that the school needed to improve the effectiveness of its assessments, subject areas, and pupils' reading skills.

The report reads: "The school needs to refine its plan to address its priority to improve pupils’ outcomes.

"The quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils are not improving in Inspection report: Robert Blake School 10 and 11 October 2023 4 many subject areas.

"The school needs to ensure that it identifies and understands the actions required to address this priority and to improve pupils’ outcomes."

However, despite the clear areas to improve on, feedback from Ofsted on the whole was generally positive.

Robert Blake was commended for its raised expectations for pupils, as well as routines to manage pupil conduct.

The careers program, wider opportunities, extra-curricular clubs, and support for pupils with SEND needs were also highlighted as good areas by the examiners.

The school's improved behaviour policy was particularly praised in the report, as well as pupils' wider development and respect for each other.

A letter to parents written by Headteacher Miss D Loveridge and Chair of Governors, Mr T Scott, reads: "Their report is, in very many ways, encouraging and the inspectors could see the progress we have made since 2019 despite the challenges that the Covid pandemic presented the school and the local community, which continues to have an impact on the school and our students to date.

"The overall judgment means that the school remains ‘requires improvement’ with a ‘good’ judgement for ‘Behaviour and Attitudes’ and ‘Personal Development’.

"Although this is disappointing, we believe this is a fair reflection of the school at this point and are heartened that we are on a rising trajectory with the vision to improve.

"I would encourage you to read the full report (it doesn’t take long) rather than just the first page of ‘judgements'".