THE Pride of Somerset Youth Awards is looking for young people that have proven themselves to be resourceful and who follow their initiative.

This could come in many forms, whether it be a young person who has set up their own 'side hustle' to work towards a future goal, or maybe someone who has set up their own social club.

Whatever the case, the Pride of Somerset Youth Awards could act as the perfect opportunity to have their hard work recognised.

Christopher Grabham is a previous winner that proved himself to be highly enterprising in the world of music at Richard Huish College.

Christopher, from Ilminster, was just 17 years old when he was awarded in 2016 for composing his own rock opera, The Invaders.

Proving himself to have good initiative, he organised an orchestra, solo singers and a choir to rehearse together and premiere the work.

Not only this, but Christopher also conducted in the college's production of Sweeny Todd at the Brewhouse.

This is an impressive achievement, especially for someone so young and with other educational commitments.

Speaking at the time, nominator Kathryn Foyle, course manager for music at Richard Huish, said: “Chris’s musicality, combined with his natural conducting ability and a generous and patient character, truly set him in good stead for a promising future.”

As stated on the Richard Huish College website, the educational facility has a wide range of musical groups, from Classical to Rock to Pop. You don't have to be studying music to join these groups.

Regular concerts are held by students across a number of venues.

The event is running for its 16th year. The awards are being promoted by Somerset County Gazette, alongside the Rotary Club of Taunton and other major sponsors, including Bridgwater and Taunton College, Avon and Somerset Police and Young Somerset. 

To nominate someone for an award, please follow the instructions in the box below.

Alternatively, you can post your nomination, explaining who you are nominating, where they live, what category you are nominating them for and why, to a maximum of 500 words, to Pride of Somerset Youth Awards, Somerset County Gazette, Tangier Central, Tangier, Taunton, TA1 4AS.

The deadline for entries is April 12, so nominate someone now.