A WARM, expectant audience welcomed the magnificent 87-year-old Peggy Seeger, ably supported on guitar and vocals by her older son, Neill MacColl, to Bridgwater Arts Centre on Friday, September 16.

Her voice as clear and distinctive as ever, accompanying herself on dulcimer, five-string banjo and improvised percussion, Peggy drew on her extensive repertoire, from the widely covered First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, written for her by her husband the folk legend Ewan MacColl, through the traditional Casey Jones and Mathy Grove to the contemporary, bittersweet, Invisible Woman.

As if by osmosis, the audience picked up and joined in choruses, with Peggy declaring it the best participation in her 47-venue tour.

The closeness between mother and son was evident throughout. The tender My Son and finally Gotta Get Home By Midnight as Encore brought the memorable evening to a close.

Peggy Seeger brought her First Farewell tour to a close with a concert at the Guildhall in St Ives, Cornwall, on September 17.

This followed her shows at Barnard Castle, Birmingham Symphony Hall, Forest Arts (Hampshire), and Bridgwater Arts Centre.

For more information, visit www.peggyseeger.com. To see upcoming shows at Bridgwater Arts Centre, Castle Street, visit www.bridgwaterartscentre.co.uk/events.