A GROUP of volunteers collected litter near Bridgwater Canal over the weekend.

The Rage Against Rubbish group collected rubbish from both the waterway and the towpath last Saturday.

They started at the YMCA in Bridgwater and followed the canal towards Taunton Road.

The group’s canal litter pick is a monthly event.

Here is when the Rage Against Rubbish will meet again:

• October 29, 09.30am, Canal Litter Pick - Bridgwater;
• November 19, 10.30am, Canal Litter Pick - Bridgwater;
• December 10, 10.30am, Canal Litter Pick - Bridgwater.

Volunteers can get involved by turning up to one of the group’s monthly litter picks and they can choose to either collect litter from the towpath along the canal or book a kayak/canoe and pick litter from the waterway.

The photos show the group at the canal last Saturday.

All photos by Steve Richardson.

For more information visit Rage Against Rubbish's website.