Over 60s club: THE March 6 meeting, opened by Joan Lee, was the second this year as the club was unable to meet on the planned February 21 as it was pantomime week. Instead Brenda Burrows had arranged a mystery trip, which was enjoyed by all, ending up at Buckfastleigh Station, where lunch was ready for all.

Members had just missed a train ride, so some looked at the museum and others visited the otter farm to watch the different otters having lunch.

Joan Lee gave out several birthday cards and news of those members still unwell. As the entertainment was unable to attend due to a fall, Joan welcomed George Street who kindly stepped in and gave members an afternoon of bingo, assisted by Valerie Street.

As the heating in the hall had been repaired and with the excitement of the bingo the members were cosy and warm. After refreshments the auction and raffle took place before Joan brought the meeting to a close wishing everyone a safe journey home.

Women's Institute: President, Donna Cooper, opened the March 4 meeting welcoming members and thanking Jenny Morgan for the flower arrangement at the top table. The secretary read the minutes and the president thanked members who had helped with the jumble sale and at the pantomime with results boosting funds.

A road show at West Monkton is on April 12 with several shows around the area celebrating the 90th anniversary year of Somerset WIs, a quiz in May at Pawlett with a board being sent around for members who wish to attend to add their name. The spring group meeting will be at Walton on Marsh 28.

Speaker, Moya Harris, who is well known to members, was introduced to talk about how her and her husband visited all the small Greek Islands. They hired a motorcycle to tour and gave an interesting and amusing account of incidents that occurred.

There were picturesque harbours, rough roads and even a visit to the Shirley Valentine beach. Donna Cooper gave a vote of thanks before members enjoyed a hot drink to compensate the lack of heating in the hall.

The next meeting will be April 1 with a make-up demonstration courtesy of Clarins, Debenhams. Visitors are most welcome.