MEMBERS of The Arts Society Sedgemoor (TASS) will enjoy an interesting lecture from speaker Matthew Denney about Great Exhibitions and World's Fairs at their next meeting.

The talk will be held at the 37 Club, located between Woolavington and Puriton. 

Members and visitors are encouraged to meet at 2pm for a 2.15pm start, or they can arrive earlier to chat in the bar.

A TASS spokesperson said: “From the very first Great Exhibition in London held in the magnificent Crystal Palace, to the awe-inspiring events in Paris, New York and across the world, there have been many Great Exhibitions or World’s Fairs.

“In the September TASS talk, speaker Matthew Denney considers the most important exhibitions such as London 1851, Paris 1900 and 1925, Brussels 1958 and New York 1964. 

“His talk traces the development of Great Exhibitions from their birth in London in 1851 at the heart of a thriving Empire, to Europe, across the Atlantic to America and New York in the post-war period and further East to China, Japan and beyond in recent times.”

Visitors are welcome at a charge of £8 per lecture.

For more information on TASS and its events, visit