Cannington village had some extraordinary displays in this year’s Royal Horticultural Society’s Southwest in Bloom competition.

Judges visited on Tuesday 12 July and were given a guided tour around the village.

The tour began at Blackmore Farm before moving on to Brymore Academy, where students explained how they sustainably grow and add to the village supply with various plants and flowers.

Steve Pettitt, chairman of Cannington in Bloom said: "It’s been an all-round great day and it’s thanks to all our volunteers who regularly turn out for weedy Wednesday and sustainable Saturdays, alongside support from sponsors, donations and the Parish Council, that we enjoy such a wonderfully well-kept and floral environment.

"It’s heartwarming to see villagers out and about, trimming hedges and lawns, watering and deadheading. The Britain in Bloom competition truly does make a difference to enhancing our community.”

Judges finished their tour with a visit to the Walled Gardens of Cannington, where Cannington Court provided refreshments for them.