ENMORE Park Golf Club ladies section put their clubs to good use in 2021 by supporting the Lady Captain’s charity SARSAS, Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Charity.

On Wednesday Julie Blumgart, Lady Captain 2021, presented a cheque for £4775.54 to Claire Bloor, CEO of SARSAS.

Julie Blumgart said: “The support our members have given has been astonishing. They took this cause into their hearts and raised a lot of money for a very deserving cause.”

Claire Bloor, CEO of the charity, said: "We were thrilled to be chosen as the Lady Captain’s charity. We love working with community groups in areas where we provide services."

Services are currently provided by SARSAS in Bridgwater and Taunton and waiting lists for victims-survivors of rape and sexual abuse have risen to the longest on record due to a number of high profile cases and the pandemic which saw people being locked in with their abusers. The money will be used by the charity to support local services.

For more information about SARSAS and the support they can provide go to www.sarsas.org.uk