AN ENGLISH oak tree has been planted on protected land next to Hinkley Point B to mark the Queen’s forthcoming platinum anniversary on the throne.

The sapling was planted next to Pixie’s Mound, a small patch of land east of Hinkley Point B and next to the site being developed at Hinkley Point C, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy celebration.

The initiative was created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 and invites people from across the United Kingdom to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’.

Hinkley Point B Station Director Mike Davies said: “Oak trees, when mature, provide habitat for a vast array of wildlife. Oaks are also thought to support more life than any other native tree in the UK.

“When we heard about the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative, created to mark the 2022 Platinum Jubilee, we really wanted to be involved and do our bit as a station to mark the anniversary.

“This year is a really big one for Hinkley Point B. In July our reactors will go offline for the final time, bringing to an end more than 46 years of zero-carbon electricity generation.

“We are marking that milestone in a number of ways over the coming months but taking the time to plant this tree to also mark Her Majesty’s significant contribution to the UK over the past 70 years felt appropriate.”

The tree was planted by EDF Chief Executive Simone Rossi, John Munro of EDF’s Nuclear Generation business, and Mike, with Siôn Roberts and Matthew Peaster from land management company Freedom.