CELEBRATING International Women's Day is Cllr Sue Lee, the Mayor of Taunton.

She said: "On this International Women’s Day, as Mayor of Taunton I gives me the opportunity to think of the women that are in prominent positions within Taunton.

"We have several women that have prominent positions within Taunton.

"Here are some of them:

  • Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, the leader of Somerset West and Taunton Council;
  • Rebecca Pow, Taunton Deane's Member of Parliament;
  • the Rt Rev Ruth Worsley, the Bishop of Taunton;
  • and, of course, myself.

"We look to them for guidance and support.

"I am sure there are others in our community who I have not had the pleasure to meet.

"As for myself, being the Mayor of Taunton is a huge honour making me the number one citizen in the town.

"I am sure the others I have mentioned will also consider their position an honour and privilege to serve the community in the way they do.

"So, on this special day, I will be praying for the women that hold such positions, but not only them but women throughout the world in positions of authority.

"I have never personally encountered bias during my life, but I am well aware that it does exist but maybe not to the extend it did, say, ten years ago.

"I am of the opinion that it should be the 'best' person for a job irrespective of gender."