SADLY the weather put paid to the Enmore Park Ladies Section playing a competition on Wednesday but it didn’t prevent them from turning up in large numbers to support the Coffee Morning organised by Jackie Woodman the new lady captain.

The event included an Easter egg draw, a tombola stall in addition to which there was cakes and preserves stall with all donations provided on the day by many ladies.

Rachel from Echo Candles and Kim one of the EPGC bar staff also sold their products on the day and contributed towards the funds raised.

The Coffee Morning raised an incredible £671.70 towards the Lady Captain’s Charity which this year is Papyrus, a Charity providing support around the prevention of suicide in Young People a very worthwhile cause.

The Lady Captain said: “It only goes to show what a fabulous Ladies Section we have at Enmore Park Golf Club and our Coffee morning certainly highlighted the superb generosity of our ladies. I would like to thank everyone who supported this event and can’t wait for the next one!”

Over the past couple of week, the green keepers at EPGC have been hard at work dealing with the impact felt by storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin.

The latter two of these storms certainly left an impact on the landscape of the course.

Whether through high winds, torrential downpours or a combination of both, the amount of work created has been quite extraordinary.

The greenkeepers are working hard to get the course back to pristine condition in time for the Open Day on 20th March when tours of the course and an opportunity to play a few holes and engage in some coaching activities will be available.

For further details please log onto