A BRIDGWATER woman has described her successful Slimming World journey.

Stephanie Tucker has now become a consultant and this is what she had to say about her experience.

She said: “All of my life I have struggled with my weight and I have tried many diets over the years, of course they worked initially, but once I thought I have lost enough, I know what I’m doing and tried to go alone, all my weight and a bit more would pile back on, and a whole lot easier than I ever lost the weight in the first place.

“Last year, after three lockdowns I realised I was at my heaviest ever, and the same weight as when I was nine months pregnant with my youngest who is now four.

“I would fool myself into thinking I was trying to lose weight but, in reality, I wasn’t.

I would weigh myself each week at home and would say to myself ‘no one will know if I put on 2lbs, I can still say I lost 2lbs’.

“Then last August Tracey Armstrong-Stacey from 100 women said she had managed to organise a private Slimming World Group, and would I like to join.

I thought why not, being accountable for my weight each week has to be better for me.

“In September 2021 my Slimming World journey began, right from the get-go everything just clicked for me, and I enjoy going to group each week making new friends, and having a laugh.

“My lifestyle has definitely changed for the good. Before I didn’t enjoy thinking of what to cook or prepare for my meals and definitely didn’t eat much fruit.

“Slimming World has got me to think of food in a positive way, not what I can’t eat, but all that I can eat.

“My family eat all the evening meals I cook as I don’t have time to make three different meals each night. They love Slimming World chips, pasta bakes, spag bol, and stews with pearl barley.

“In the last five months, I have been part of the Slimming World family and I have lost two and a half stones and I couldn’t be happier.

“The first time I went clothes shopping since last September I couldn’t believe it when I fitted into a size 12, I felt 10 feet tall (I was previously an in denial size 18).

“As my friends started to see my weight disappear, they said ‘you should be a Slimming World Consultant, you’d be great’ I just laughed at them, before going away thinking ‘could I?’ “Well, with belief and encouragement from Tracey Armstrong-Stacey at 100 women we made the first step chatting with Consultant Sharon Lewis-Turner.

“In my amazement, Sharon believed in me too, the ball started rolling. 100 women has generously paid for the franchise fee.

“Both 100 women and Slimming World have both changed my life in ways I never dreamt of.

Now I open my very own group at Stogursey Victory Hall on Monday, February 28 at 7pm.”