SOMERSET will see some improvements through the government’s levelling up agenda – but it’s unclear how much more money will be provided.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has published the Levelling Up white paper, laying out specifics on how the government will ‘level up’ the country to improve public services and drive economic growth.

Portions of Somerset have already had regeneration funding allocated through various schemes, and the white paper promises further action for the county’s schools and certain town centres.

But aside from regeneration projects already announced, there is no concrete commitment of exactly how much extra money Somerset will receive to help it achieve the government’s aims by 2030.

Here’s a guide to what the white paper means for you:

What is a white paper?

A white paper is issued by the government as a statement of policy, laying out new or amended legislation it seeks to implement in the near-future.

A white paper may form the basis of a future bill through parliament – so this white paper may eventually result in a Levelling Up Act or similar piece of legislation.

They are not to be confused with green papers, which contain proposals at a less concrete stage – and unlike green papers, white papers don’t always invite further consultation from ministers and statutory bodies.

What does the white paper aim to do?

‘Levelling up’ has been a phrase that has been thrown around frequently since the 2019 general election.

The white paper identifies four key areas where change will be needed to improve the UK’s fortunes:

  • Boosting productivity, pay, jobs and living standards by growing the private sector, “especially in those places where they are lagging”
  • Spreading opportunities and improve public services, “especially in those places where they are weakest”
  • Restoring a sense of community, local pride and belonging, “especially in those places where they have been lost”
  • Empowering local leaders and communities, “especially in those places lacking local agency”

The white paper also sets a number of broad targets that every region should aim to reach by 2030, including:

  • Public transport “significantly closer” to the quality and frequency currently enjoyed in London
  • Gigabit-capable 4G broadband, as well as 5G coverage for the majority
  • Rising standards in schools, with 90 per cent of children reaching the required standard in reading, writing and maths
  • Life expectancy in deprived areas to be on a par with more affluent parts, with a general rise in life expectancy across the board by 2035
  • “Secure path to home ownership” for those currently unable to achieve this
  • A devolution deal for “every part of England that wants one”

A DLUHC spokesman said: “It is about the success of the whole country: realising the potential of every place and every person across the UK, building on their unique strengths, spreading opportunities for individuals and businesses, and celebrating every single city, town and village’s culture.

“This will make the economy stronger, more equal and more resilient, and lengthen and improve people’s lives.”

How much ‘levelling up’ funding has Somerset already received?

The white paper makes numerous references to existing government initiatives aimed at regeneration – such as the towns fund, the future high streets fund, and the levelling up fund.

A considerable quantity of money has been allocated to the south west through these funds – but to date hardly any of it has been spent, and none of it should be construed as ‘new money’ from either the Treasury or DLUHC.

Several existing projects (i..e those allocated money but not necessarily under way) are name-checked within the white paper – namely:

  • Improvements to the A38 corridor in Bridgwater (secured through round one of the levelling up fund)
  • The town deals for Bridgwater and Glastonbury, worth £22.6M and £23.6M respectively
  • Supporting the regeneration of Yeovil and Taunton through the future high streets fund
  • £5M funding to push forward the reopening of Wellington railway station (and Cullompton station in neighbouring Devon)
  • Improvements to Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton

Bridgwater Mercury: Detail Of Cornhill In Bridgwater Town Centre. CREDIT: Sedgemoor District Council. Free to use for all BBC wire partners.

There are also other initiatives which were announced before the white paper which will only come into effect from April 2022 onwards – including the £1.7bn of temporary business relief for the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, which was announced in December 2021.

Somerset is not identified as an immediate candidate for devolution – though Devon and Cornwall have been, alongside Plymouth and Torbay.

So, is there any new funding for Somerset?

Yes – but we don’t yet know how much.

Somerset is referenced by name 14 times in the 332-page white paper, on top of other measures of the ‘south west’ – and none of these mentions come with a specific commitment of funding.

The Somerset West and Taunton area (including Taunton, Wellington and Minehead) will receive support from the government’s high streets task force between now and 2024 to help “regenerate high streets to reflect evolving local needs”.

Somerset is also identified as one of 55 education investment areas (EIAs) which will receive “intensive investment” from the Department for Education (DfE) through retention payments for teachers and the involvement of high-performing multi-academy trusts in a bid to drive up standards.

More details about both of these areas are expected to be published in the coming months.

How have the plans been greeted?

Councillor Faye Purbrick, Somerset County Council’s cabinet member for local government reorganisation and transformation, has broadly welcomed the white paper.

She said: “It’s great to see the government taking action to address inequalities across the country. Somerset is playing a leading role – reshaping local government to be better at tackling the problems that people care about most.

“I’m very pleased that education in Somerset is prioritised for additional funding. We will also benefit from commitments to improve connectivity, including broadband and transport services.

“Somerset needs change. Our picture postcard image, high quality of life and leading centres of industry can mask serious problems, such as the need to improve productivity, create more high-skill high-wage jobs and address social mobility.

“Too many of our young people leave the county and this amplifies the challenges associated with an ageing population.

“We need a single, strong new council that can speak up for Somerset, tackle the big problems and give people the high-quality services they deserve.

“Already, Glastonbury and Bridgwater are benefiting from a total of £45M investment from the government’s town deals and the West Somerset Opportunity Area is improving education and training.

“We will consider the Levelling Up White Paper in detail and continue to work with the government to make sure that people in Somerset get the support they need.”