A WOMAN is trying to find the owners of a cigarette case found late father and mother-in-law's attic.

The case, complete with a newspaper cutting, was found at a property in Bridgwater and belonged to Chivers family.

The newspaper cutting reads: "Death in North Africa - News has been received by his aunt, Miss A. M. Chivers of Sidney-terrace, Taunton, that Pte. Benjamin Peter Gilling Chivers died in North Africa on March 8.

"Pte Chivers who was 19 years of age, was the son of late Capt. S. Chivers, of the Somerset Light Infantry.

"He was educated at Queen's College, Taunton, and had previously served in Italy."

Bridgwater Mercury: FOUND: Cogarette cases and newspaper cutting

Bridgwater Mercury: FOUND: Cogarette cases and newspaper cutting

S Jones, who is currently in the possession of the case, said she wanted to find surviving members of the family to give the case and cutting back.

“I found this cigarette case with the newspaper cutting in the possessions of my late mother and father in law who lived in Bridgwater," she said.

“It is a bit of a mystery really, as it doesn’t belong to any of our family.

“I wondered if there were any surviving members of the Chivers family who would like this case with its cutting?

“I have already tried the records of the Somerset Light Infantry but had no luck there.”

If you know of the Chivers family, or know any surviving members of the family, email jessica.chaffey@nqsw.co.uk and you will be put in contact with Mrs Jones.