A SOMERSET church has received a £2,000 grant from the Allchurches Trust to help pay for works to repair it.

St. Mary & All Saints Church in Broomfield has been at the centre of village worship and community events for nearly 800 years and is in need of urgent works if its to continue to open to congregations and hundreds of visitors to neighbouring Fyne Court.

A £50,000 conservation and repair project to repair the church is underway.

Tasks include repairing loose and broken masonry, preserve and mend stained glass windows, replace rotting woodwork, attend to slate roof areas to the main building and tower, replace old and dangerous electric wiring, sockets and lighting lifting and refitting part of the floor to replace rotten joists beneath sinking pews, replacing the louvres to the bell chamber are all in the proposals.

Plaster and decorative repairs are also planned. The works will enable the building to continue as a place of worship and as a centre for music and the arts.

Project leader Dr. John Ogle said: "The Church and Village Hall are at the centre of our little community of 200 souls.

"Without the Church, Broomfield would lose the only local place of worship and meetings. The building has been loved since the 13th century, and I want it still to be there for many generations to come.".

Broomfield Church tower is regarded as an important centre for aspiring bell-ringers due to its modest height and ease of access.

Local 'Ringers' Publicity Officer, Pearl Jeanes, said the church's proximity to the Village Hall next door makes it a sought-after venue for courses and events.

Chloe Ewen, Grants Officer for Allchurches Trust, said: "We're delighted that our funding will go towards the restoration of this much loved heritage church, so that it can remain at the heart of its thriving community as a base for worship, music and arts."

An application for a grant has gone to Viridor Credits and one of the requirements is a Third Party Contribution. The church said the award by Allchurches Trust and donations from donors is key to the possibility of securing the funds.

The outcome of the application is expected in January, after which it is hoped works can soon begin. If you would like to help with the project call Dr. John Ogle on 01823 451296 or the South Quantock Benefice Office on 01823 451257 or email sqbenefice@btconnect.com.