Sedgemoor FM DJ Dave Englefield on OCD and festive fun

OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I think there’s a little bit of it in all of us. I’m often told by Mrs Dave that I have it, especially when it comes to three things. My books, DVDs and CDs.

To be fair she might well have a point as all of them are in alphabetical order by author, singer or name of film, and then the music and books are in chronological order as well.

Plus, when you open a CD case the writing on the disc itself is always the right way round for ease of reading. I’m not the only one like that am I?

I also go round the house shutting cupboard doors and turning off lights but I don’t think that’s OCD on my part just laziness on other peoples!

We’re now heading into the festive season, a time of year I used to enjoy far more than I do these days.

That’s actually not down to me becoming a bah humbug type as I’ve always been a little like that, but I used to be so busy workwise with parties all over the place.

Through most of the eighties I dee-jayed in London and Essex doing lots of swanky do’s all over the place and loving dashing from one party to the next.

At this time of year it would get to the stage where I would only know what day it was from where I’d been the night before.

These days I’ve hung up my mobile disco gear and only do radio but I still sometimes miss the festive fun we had.