HARD working and well-behaved students at Chilton Trinity School are being rewarded with shopping vouchers and other perks.

The school has launched an online scheme called e-Praise Points.

Staff award students points, which are displayed minute-by-minute on the homepage of the school's website and shown on 42-inch screens across the school.

Students achieving 10 points are rewarded with bonus points, shopping vouchers or school trips.

Students can be rewarded for working particularly hard on a piece of work, being involved with an after-school club, showing excellent attendance and grades or sticking to the school rules.

The online system can even create automatic certificates and reports for students to take home to their parents.

The school says the scheme is leading to better work, attendance and behaviour.

Assistant head teacher Rachael Fraser said: "e-Praise has been a huge hit with our students. It has helped to promote healthy competition and community and we are finding that it keeps students enthusiastic and actually wanting to be at school.

"Every parent and teacher knows that by positively re-enforcing good behaviour, bad behaviour will happen less often. This works in a similar way."